Saturday, June 6, 2009

One more milestone.....

Richard converted Kiersten's crib to a daybed a couple of days ago. So far, so good. She's not fallen out (yet!) and each morning, she greets daddy at either the side of her bed or the door. She LOVES climbing in and out (hence the foot stool close by).

She also can place her shapes into the proper slots on her Laugh n' Learn Playhouse (squares in a square slot, triangle in the triangle slot, etc). This one almost brought me to tears, as I first noticed it when she wasn't even looking. I asked Richard if he put it in there, and he said he hadn't touched it. It's like she's just putting them in there with no fanfare, as if it's just something else she does, and has no idea how cool that is. Of course, we had to show Abi as soon as she got here yesterday!

We're super excited around here lately. School will be out for the kids on Tuesday, and the teachers' last day is Friday. Then I'm home for another 2 months! I can finally spend more time with my little girl & hubby.


  1. Ah...the day bed, scary stuff! Madelyn still has the rail on her toddler bed, she's just too much of a thrasher to remove it yet. You need to add a "follow me" button to this here blog so I can follow!

  2. I hope I get to see this soon. I love seeing her develop. Happier than you know to participate in her life!!

  3. She is growing so fast. :)
    Oh, btw, it's about time you get back to blogging!

  4. you should be able to see frog e mama.
