Monday, December 6, 2010

We have a son!

Life has been interesting these last 2 weeks. On November 23rd at 10:50 a.m., we welcomed Nolan Richard into the world. The first thought and words the minute I saw him on the screen as they cleaned him up: "OMG - He looks just like Kiersten!" You spend months speculating which parent he'll look like, and it turns out you've made a clone of your first child. Truly amazing. We love him to pieces. He's such a great baby and we can't wait to see how his personality is going to play out.
Kiersten has been such a great big sister to Nolan. She's always trying to find ways to help us out, which is great, since I'm a stay-at-home mom. She's constantly fawning over him and runs into the room whenever she hears him cry.
We're looking forward to Christmas. It's going to be a tight one, but Kiersten is finally really into it, and knows what she's going to ask of Santa whenever we visit him. She's ready to help decorate for Christmas. It's so wonderful to look into her eyes and get excited right along with her.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

We have a date!

Nolan Richard will officially be here on Tuesday, November 23rd. We're so excited and happy to know exactly when he'll be here (unless, of course, he decides he wants to come sooner). We got to see him in 4D on September 25th, and he looks to have Richard's nose. The rest looks like Kiersten. It's incredible! Kiersten is ready to be mommy & daddy's helper. If she doesn't get bitten by the green-eyed monster, we're going to have quite a big sister here!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Winding down

It feels like I've been pregnant forever, but now the time is starting to fly. With a cesarian date scheduled for November 23rd, it's all starting to sink in. We're going to have our family of 4, with one boy & one girl! Nolan is feisty in the belly - even more so than Kiersten. And he's been more stretched out. She curled up throughout the entire pregnancy, and he's been making use of the room he has. She's so excited to meet her baby brother and help us do anything we need. Let's hope it continues once he gets here!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

A world turned upside down!

Hard to believe, but now neither Richard nor I are employed as teachers. He's working as a driver for Givens Estates, and I'm working on unemployment. We're expecting a baby boy, Nolan Richard, in November. He'll most likely arrive Thanksgiving week, via c-section.
I've always wanted to be a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), but never like this. Praying that I get unemployment so we can stay afloat till at least January. Also not sure how exactly I can say I'll be physically able to work during the week Nolan is born! Should be interesting. Have to take that up with ESC. Well, with the extra down-time, I'll hopefully be able to keep up with this blog more often!
Mom was planning on permanent retirement, but with my joblessness, she's heading back to Harnett County to interview for a couple of translator positions. I'm going to miss the help after I deliver!
Kiersten is as hyper and clever as ever. She can now open all the doors in the house - no more privacy!! She's constantly expanding her vocabulary and saying things that crack us all up. She never fails to amaze me with her constant learning and intelligence. I hope Nolan is as smart and beautiful!