Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's Springtime! Or is it?

The weather is toying with us. We were excited when we had warm weather for Easter here in Asheville. We normally have to bundle up! The whole weekend was nice, and we were able to wear light clothing.
Here we are, taking our annual Easter pic in front of the cross at CUMC.

THEN, when the weather is normally starting to warm up, we're having freeze warnings! We had to wear layers to this year's Spring Festival. Last year Kiersten, Nolan & I were sleeveless! The wind was brutal and chilling. But Nolan found some eggs and actually put some of them in the basket without prompting. Mostly, though, I had to take them from him. He had a blast, as did Kiersten. As always, she didn't want to leave.

This weekend we're having a shindig to bid farewell to Andrew, who is going off to Navy basic training on May 1st. I have a feeling there will be lots of tears flowing within this next week! We're all very proud of this giant step he's taking, and send many prayers with him to Illinois.