Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November already?

It's so cliché, but it's very true: the time has FLOWN! My little man's first birthday is exactly 3 weeks away. My baby girl is growing up & becoming so much more independent. I still don't feel old enough to be a mom! These 2 are such blessings to us. I still can't believe they're ours!

Monday, August 8, 2011

My newest hobby and my interview fatigue

I've been wanting to learn how to crochet for a good while now. My aunt Shirley was in town for a day and a half and wanted to go to a yarn store in the village, so I took the opportunity to get started right then, while I had a teacher literally in-house. I got some cool pink yarn and a needle, got it home and started on a scarf for Kiersten. After I'd gotten quite a ways through I decided it was way too wide for my petite girl. So I started over again & finished it in a day! The hat was another beast altogether. I went to YouTube and found a very helpful video. I think I got it done in two days. She loves it and I'm so excited that they turned out so well. I have several projects in mind,and if I'm still unemployed it will be a great way to get out my Christmas gifting this year.

Speaking of unemployed...I've had now a total of 6 interviews. Still waiting to hear back from the 2 schools from last week, but after 4 rejections, I've learned to stop hoping, unfortunately. It's a bit sad. But I'm so, so tired of waiting and even more tired of getting in the car to drive hours on end for a 20-30 minute interview. The last trip was for 2 interviews. But I was on the road for just over 7 hours for almost 2 hours worth of face time. It makes me tired just writing it!

On the Nolan front, he's crawling "normally" and is sitting up on his own. He's starting to try to pull up, and will if he's holding on to our hands or arms. He's not quite gotten the idea of pulling up on the furniture yet. He's eating as much as we can give him at one time. Two jars of food at each meal plus a little "dessert" of maybe Gerber cheese puffs, yogurt bites or Cheerios. He has his 2 bottom teeth, and his 2 top ones are trying hard to poke through. This gets him upset sometimes. But I really think the amber necklace he has helps tremendously. I was a skeptic at first, but now I'm a believer!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


That's what it feels like sometimes having 2 kids under 4. Nolan and Kiersten are getting along great. He grins like a Cheshire cat every time he sees her. I love watching his dimples deepen when we peek in her room after he wakes. He's sitting up, eating solids, and scooting backward. Kiersten is such a great big sister & is growing up to be a smart little girl. She's learning to count to 100 and is slooooowly learning to read by sounding out words. She gets frustrated and impatient, so gives up easily. She likes putting on plays & dancing around the house. She has learned quite a few songs from my iPod, and knows the words to Beatles songs. I started singing "I am the Walrus", and she started in with "I am the egg man" and made my jaw drop. And she chose to wear her Beatles shirt yesterday, when she had the choice of wearing that or a brand new halter-style shirt she just got last week. My little fan!

Richard & I are still looking for jobs & hope to stay as close to Asheville as possible. We still feel like there's so much of this city yet to explore, and would love more time to spend here. It's quite frustrating sending out applications and emails without receiving any word from anyone. My one interview ended in a rejection. Not exactly doing anything for my faith in my career choice!

On a positive note, Richard & I have our 6th anniversary coming up next weekend. We're taking a staycation, making the most of our limited budget. We're going to be tourists for a weekend, even taking a trolley tour of downtown. We cannot wait. A big thank you to my mom (and Elsa, though she's not been informed yet) for taking care of the kids so we can have our romantic weekend. It's been WAY too long!!