Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lots to say!

Wow - There's been a lot happen since last I posted. We went on an awesome trip to Puerto Rico, had 3 weeks of marching band camps, one week of workdays, and now will be welcoming the students back tomorrow. WHEW!

Kiersten has 5 teeth now, is starting to take a few steps at a time, when she doesn't get so hyped up that she falls. lol She's still on the small side, but that's a good thing, since she's not walking yet and we have to carry her most of the time from place to place in the house!

Mom is now teaching in Harnett County again, at Triton - my old high school! She's not here during the week, so we only get her on the weekends. During the week, she's staying at Elsa's. Lots of catching up to do when she's here! Luckily this coming weekend is Labor Day weekend (not to mention payday weekend), so we get her one more day.

BIG EVENT: Kiersten will be turning a year old in 2 weeks!! WOW!!!! We're having a small get-together, with our moms, Andrew (hopefully), Kathryn & Chris, Elsa, grandma & Jason (maybe). Her biggest gift will be her convertible car seat. Thankfully, this one will last longer than a year - probably 3. The grandparents are helping to pay for it, so we can make sure she has the safest, cushiest one. Of course, we'll have some toys and books, and maybe some more clothes, for her. We also bought a small tin to make a little cake just for her to demolish. Chocolate/chocolate all the way!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Something else to do............

So I have myspace and various other I have something else! Hopefully this will serve as a middle ground for all our family members to come check out what we're up to, without having to attach pics to emails. I also can just give updates here instead of trying to remember who I sent updates to and when.

Right now abuela is in the hospital, with 3 90% blockages. She had 2 operations this morning and will have one more on Monday. When we left her last night, she was doing well. If you weren't seeing her in a hospital, you'd not believe she'd just had a mild heart attack! She was playing peek-a-boo with Kiersten, who was peeking in at the foot of her bed.

If all goes well Monday, we leave for Puerto Rico on Tuesday afternoon, with Andrew, Ricky and Renee. One of my friends from WhattoExpect actually gave me the idea to take pics of Kiersten in the places abuela wanted to see, like Ponce. I'm sure she'll appreciate that - a fourth generation going.

Speaking of our little angel, she's doing well. She's finally sleeping through the night again after about a month of waking 2 or 3 times a night. She's had 4 teeth break through, and her incisors are coming in. We're also using cloth diapers now. It's not nearly as difficult as we initially thought it might be. Richard is actually into it, too, especially since we use flushable liners and a diaper sprayer for the poopy diapers.

That's all I can think of right now. We're about to go to mom's to have some arroz con gandules! YUMMY!! (You know you're all jealous! lol)

I'll post pics when I get to her house.....