Friday, September 19, 2014

Brain Break Needed!

A lot has changed since last I blogged. I was reassigned to another school, then to another class within that school. I am the assistant to a pilot program at my school. We are a bi-literacy class, focused on teaching the kids to read and write in both English and Spanish. Some of these kids are picking up on things so quickly! It's helping my own Spanish-speaking skills! The teacher I'm assigned to is absolutely wonderful! We laugh daily, and always find lots to talk about. She is all about the kids, and comes in almost every weekend to plan for them. Because of this, and at the urging of our lead teacher, I have decided to take the exam to become certified in Elementary Education. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd go in this direction!

On the homefront, Kiersten has moved schools to be with me, and Nolan is now in an in-home daycare. We absolutely love Mrs. Sandy! She's quickly become a friend, and we could talk for hours, if we didn't have our families to feed! 

Richard is still plugging away at Givens. His residents love him to pieces, and he has a brand new boss, who is much more approachable and amenable than the last. 

Kiersten had a blast at her birthday party. Nolan seems to be growing by the day. 

I hope to get back to experimenting in the kitchen soon, and to blogging on my LusLoft blog soon. Apple season is an inspiring one! I have lots pinned, including Richard's requested dessert, so be on the lookout for that next month, for certain!
A collage of our family photo shoot back in June!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

My "Why" (a Thirty-One rumination)

I do a lot of thinking late at night. It's my only truly uninterrupted quiet time. During the last few, hard, trying years, I have prayed, reflected, and struggled with my faith. There have been some truly dark nights when I just broke down and wondered where God was. I felt like a fraud going to church when my spirit had been waning. Then a miraculous thing happened. I got a job. 

How is that miraculous? Especially since it wasn't a full-blown teaching job, but an assistant job that pays a little over half of what I made as a teacher? Well, for the first time EVER in my entire career, I felt like I found a home at a school. And it gave me the courage to just consider, for the first time, becoming a Thirty-One consultant. I had thought about it so much, and came close many times. Back in February I was very seriously considering it, and even spoke with Richard about it, making sure he was on board, seeing as I would need to shell out money for the start-up kit. We were set to go when a co-worker announced she had just become a consultant. Well, since I was a newbie at the school, and she'd been there a while, I decided to wait. I was on her first order. And her second. I absolutely adore the products. I have a long wishlist of items I would like to eventually acquire. So, earlier this month, when she sent out an email about becoming a consultant under her sponsorship, I decided that it was time. I immediately signed up, THEN did my research (backward thinking, I know). Well, I was not disappointed. I learned that the company is faith-based. There are literally THOUSANDS of women who are part of this dynamic company who are fully in faith. I'm sure there are a few who aren't, but the company was actually based on, and derives its name from, Proverbs 31, about the virtuous wife (woman). This pic shows the basic gist of the scripture:

When I started Googling the origins of the company name, I thought, "Surely these women are just speculating." Nope. Cindy Monroe really did start her company with the idea of empowering women so that they could provide for their families, or at least enhance their income. This is much more than just a story of faith. It's a story of empowerment. Even non-believers can get behind this. Her story is here:

My director is currently at the National Conference in the company's HQ town of Columbus, Ohio. While she was away, she gave us a challenge that included making a "Why" bag. This was to include items that we could take to our parties to tell why we are Thirty-One consultants. This took more soul-searching than I thought it would. I wrote so many lists, with so many lengthy descriptions. Finally, I came down to my 5. I'm going to put them here, in reverse order.

5. Yarn: I have an Etsy shop (if you follow this blog or came here from FB, you probably know about it already). Obviously I can use a Thirty-One bag to carry and organize all my yarn and finished products. However, both of my businesses can help grow the other. I can use money made from Thirty-One to buy more yarn and craft supplies, and my Etsy income can help buy more business supplies to keep myself well-stocked for parties. It's a win-win! (Check it out:

4. Whisk: I have an ultimate goal to go to pastry school. More storage needs for my Thirty-One totes! LOL Seriously, though, I'm hoping to save enough eventually to pay for pastry school at AB Tech. After taking classes at Dough, I've gotten the baking itch!

3. My first Henderson County ID badge. It was my WHHS AP who gave me my job at CCES, and it was the first school that led me to the belief that Henderson County is where I belong in my career. It also led to my becoming a consultant!

2. My Thermal Tote. My first-ever Thirty-One purchase. After many years of uses, it's what led me to truly believe in the company and its products. 

1. A picture of my family. Any income generated will directly affect them. I hope to be able to supplement our income enough to be able to just go out to dinner somewhere that doesn't include a plastic tray without breaking the bank. I'd love to take them to DisneyWorld or Busch Gardens, even some of the places around here that charge admission, like the Biltmore Estate. I'd love to be able to provide my children with all of the cultural experiences our area has to offer, then take them off to explore the country.  I want to be able to just buy them something without checking the bank account first. And I want to buy them things at times other than birthdays and holidays. I want that financial freedom. The freedom from having to depend on our parents for the basics like clothing for the kids, or even ourselves. 

So, when you see me plugging away, asking for hosts or orders for Thirty-One parties, don't be too quick to scroll  past my posts and write me off as someone else who wants your money. I'm just looking to make my corner of the world a little brighter.

If you want to check out what we have, please follow this link:

If you are interested in becoming a Thirty-One consultant yourself, please let me know!!!