Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Season is Fast Approaching

Settling into my job at OMS. I should find out within a few weeks if I'll be there next semester. My biggest wish is that if I AM back, they'll make the position a permanent one, rather than an interim. Benefits, sick/personal/annual leave would be a nice thing to have. I've basically had mandatory perfect attendance!
We had our last nice, sunny, warm weekend last weekend. I took advantage of it & snapped a pic of Kiersten in the church garden. Unfortunately, the camera battery died before Susan could get a family pic. D'oh! Next weekend she'll be baptized, so I'll make sure the battery is full-up for lots and lots of pics!
My little girl is growing in every way except size. Her vocabulary is expanding, her curiousity is blooming, and her imagination is really kicking in. The other day she was even using different pitch-leveled voices, speaking for a frog on her keychain. The conversation went something like this: (deep-voiced Kiersten):"Hi, I'm a frog." (high-pitched Kiersten): "Hi, frog, I'm Kiersten". I almost fell out of my chair. Hilarious! I cannot wait till she really gets into make-believe play. I just wish we had a bigger house so we could set up a play room for her.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


What a nasty day, weather-wise! Had a nice afternoon with Dean & Phyllis. She went straight to Phyllis without a fuss - awesome! Then we headed to Jonesborough for their storefront Halloween candy giveaway. We had to wake Kiersten from her car nap, so she was groggy for the first few minutes & still didn't want to walk. We hit a few stores for candy (the sidewalk was CROWDED!), then headed back home. Next year she'll pick out her own costume & will, I'm sure, be a lot more excited about walking around!